We did some online research. There are many depictions of the cherubs as you can see here:

I noticed that they all are pretty similar in concept. That's because in the Bible it actually describes how the Ark was to be constructed (even to the exact measurements!). It was to be a box made of wood and plated in gold. On top of the box was the cover or "Mercy Seat". Two cherubs made of gold were to be on either end facing each other with their wings outstretched and touching. You can read all about it here.
The most popular version is the one from 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' so that's what we decided to make.
We found a few sites that had detailed pictures and schematics on how to build your own Ark of the Covenant replicated prop from the movie. Here's is some of that reference material:

(oooookay....I'll keep that in mind...)

so here's mine....(granted, I know it not EXACT. Even with all the reference, it was still hard to see the full detail so I had to take a few liberties and while I was at it, I might as well do it to how I wanted to see it. Its been awhile since I sculpted - maybe even YEARS! When I added up the time spent to make this, it took me about 3 - 4 eight-hour days.)
I set up in the dining room which made my wife a little concerned. (she does that groan that Marge Simpson makes about Homer.) This way, I can be near the kids and feel like part of the family. The kids took over a box of clay and had fun using the pasta maker (which I use to help knead and soften the clay to make it workable).
First, I blew up an image of the cherub to size. Then made a wire armature to match. Then I slapped some clay on, roughing out the forms. This process took about 8 hours.
(if you look closely, you can see a toy box that looks like the Ark. My kids asked, "Can we put candy in there?")

Then I started refining the shapes and adding detail:

The hardest part was sculpting that tiny face. As you can see it was about the size of a quarter. Originally, I tried sculpting it by trying to work my fingers between the wood and wings--this proved to be a useless waste f time. Then, I got this idea to sculpt the face , bake it then squeeze it into the main sculpture. "BRILLIANT!" , I tell you.
As I was sculpting it, I was thinking, "Why am I spending so much time on something no one will see?" Then I thought 1) because I know people will want to look on the underside and expect to see something there and 2.) because I'll know! I'm creating art--I have to feel good about it.
I swear, I could have gone on forever finessing this piece, smoothening it out, taking out pocks and finger prints, etc. until finally I just had to call it "done". At times, it's fair enough to say, "This was my best effort and what I was able to do in the time given."
Now its up to my friend to make mold an cast it up!
This came out beautifully! Awesome work.
So amazing, just the sheer effort you put into it! It really makes me wish we'd celebrate halloween here!
The piece is beautiful! Would you be willing to recreate and sell a set of two? I wish to rebuilt an ark for my brother who is getting married in July of next year, God willing. I can be reached at Spirit.Driven@yahoo.com. Thank you!
I am currently awaiting to have the mold and casts made by a friend of a friend. When I have them, I'll be in touch.
...and Thank You all for the comments and compliments!
hello! i am looking for some of the cherabim for an illustration for our church. do you have any for sale yet? let me know! thanks!
We are making an ark for vacation bible school. Any chance your molds are done and you would be willing to sell a pair? Rusty
can you please give me a call concerning the cherubims. they were awsome, I am building the ark and the only piece that i do not have are the cherubims. I would love to purchase a pair if at all possible for the upcoming conference in June in 2011.
I read with great interest about your amazing scratch-built Raiders' Ark Angel figure. Were you able to have the mold and casts made of which you previously spoke? If yes, I too would like very much to purchase a pair if they are still available. I can be reached at deephx@cox.net. Thank You!
I was trying to see if you had a mold for the angels yet? And how much are you charging if they are for sale. You can reach me at jfleeks@yahoo.com
Hi, my name is Adriano and im from Atlanta, GA. Im searching for someone who can sculp me those cherubs. I hope you'll consider doing me that honor. If you could pleace contact me back on my ee-mail that way we can talk more about pricing, sizing and everything else. My e-mail is kingadriano@msn.com
I'll expecting you response, thank you, God Bless!
Looks like you may have a little business here just making molds for people. If you are doing this then include me as one of your customers. rural_rabbi@yahoo.com
Hello --I am also making a ark replica and would like to have an update on your Cherubim molds and the cost of a pair for my ark .I am also making the rest of the tabernacle items as described in the bible ..marknoel@msn.com thank you .
James ..I have an Easter/passover deadline for my tabernacle display ....do you have any extra Cherubim lying around..or do I need to break out my carving tools ..someting I havent done in awhile.many thanks!!!
I am very interested in the these beautiful cherubims. My church has been established since 2006, but God has blessed us with our very own house of worship. We are trying to include the furnishings of the tabernacle. Would you please contact me, if you are able to make them.
I'm interested in a cast of these pieces if they are still around or available. DaBrode@hotmail.com
Hi I am in London,
Please could you tell me how much for a pair thanks.
Hi I am in London,
Please could you tell me how much for a pair thanks.
Hi I am in London,
Please could you tell me how much for a pair thanks.
hi how much its the pair
hello, im interested in obtaining some mold a pair, can you please give me some more info, marcedinc@gmail.com thanks
I am building a downscale model of the Ark. I will leave my email address so you can contact me and we can talk about how large the Mercy Seat Angels (Cherubim Angels) should be and the cost of them. I would like them to be proportionately as possible with this scale I am building. My email is houle@umich.edu
Thanks Rod
Would love to purchase a pair of these, please contact me @ superiortreeturf@msn.com. Dave Richardson
Would love to purchase a pair, please contact Dave Richardson, superiortreeturf@msn.com.
Thank you.
Great work! I'm in the process of building an Ark of the Covenant replica. I was searching for a pair of Cherubims when I came across your page. How much would you sell me a pair for? You can email me at workinginthekingdom@gmail.com
Hello, I too, am looking to buy a pair. I can be reached at swhitson@nlcjc.org. How much are they going for?
Hello, I am Pastor Byram McKinzie. I would like to purchase 2 of the angels that you have designed. My email address is Byrammckinzie@yahoo.com please advise me.
Great job I'm interested on get a pair too, let me know my email is ruf2173@yahoo.com
Hi I am interested in buying a pair of cherubs. please e-mail me thedarkknight77@netzero.com
Hi James, I am also interested in buying a pair of the cherubims you created. Any chance you may have completed your project and have a pair for sale? Please let me know: pastorcarlos@pibr.org
Thank you
It is art indeed, could you make a pair for me? I am making an ark too
Please contact me at apco12@hotmail.com thank you
Hello, I am doing a school project and was wondering if you had any of these for sale.I am making a replica of the Ark.
how much for a single ark angel
I just built an ark. I need two angels as soon as possible. I love your work. They look great.
How do I get a couple? Spicerecordz@yahoo. com
Beautiful work on recreating the cherubs. Goes to show how talented the original artists and prop makers were for ILM. Are the finished items available to view?
e: aardmarkus@yahoo.co.uk
Hi I am trying to source some Cherubs as well for an ark to bring into schools, do you sell moulds? Your work is great!! Thanks in advance Charis tully ( in Ireland) charisindublin@gmail.com
Hi I am in the process of making a software replica of the Second Temple circa 70AD (that can be "walked through" on your computer... I would like to use a modified photo of your angel as part of the material that will represent the cherubims on the curtain between the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies. (By this time the Ark was gone) This is intended to be educational in purpose but I need to make sure I have proper permissions... Screenshots can be seen at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10212432804248706.1073741831.1639333819&type=1&l=26426ae597 (FB account is not needed to view images.)
Thanks in advance,
Hi, I'm trying to make my canopy bed look like solons temple, could I buy a set of the angels from you please? tcrecordingstudio@gmail.com
Hello James!
Lots of questions above about possible purchasing, but no answers.
Perhaps folks were answered in email?
Thank you!
BTW, I absolutely love how you made her look from “below.” Her face is perfect!
Impressive, beautiful work, James!
I'd be interested in purchasing a 1:1 scale pair of these. Would you please contact me at scruffy.nerfherder@epbfi.com with pricing and availability?
I would also be interested in buying a pair of these - can you reach out to me as well? tothecorebro@gmail.com
Good morning, please if I need to buy to cherub, how do I get it, am doing a presentation at church and we are using the Ark of the covenant, we finish the box but are looking for the cherub for the top...the program is on Sunday...do you think is possible
please ifbits possible, email me at tina2f@hotmail.com
please if you get back to me today I will appreciate it...just crunch on time
please is there anyone that knows how I can get the cherub, i need it asap, like today tomorrow ...pleaseee help...email me at tina2f@hotmail.com
Hola de qué material está esculpido El querubín?
Tiene algún tipo de molde para poder comprar? Mi nombre es Patricia soy de Buenos Aires Argentina
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