Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Ever since Disney bought Marvel, I thought it would be cool for the animation dept. to do a Marvel project.

After working on the 'Time Jumper' project, I took a real liking to drawing in what I call "comic book style" and gained a new appreciation for graphic novel illustration.

Despite the studio's current interest, I was looking for a female character protagonist to center a story around and pitch. One that had..."appeal". My friend Javie suggested "The Black Cat".

I did some research and put this is a collage of images together that I found from various websites to use as reference:

Here are my rough drawings:

I don't have plans to pitch this but if they end up doing something like it, I'm ready!


FoolishCop said...

That's the one thing about comic book chicks -- they're the hottest girls around. Nice work!

That was always my goal, to work for Disney in their animation department. Then I realized I didn't have any talent.


Scrappin Cheryl said...

Love these! Hope they pick them up!

Beware Of Shadows said...

If you do get to pitch it make sure to tell them Spider-Man Will make many cameo's!