
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


After taking a much-needed hiatus last year, my good friend, Peter Montgomery, is back and is planning an awesome Halloween display this year!

In recent years, he's made epic displays such as a sinking pirate ship (which I helped him design and build) and a crashed loco motive accompanied by his very own brand of animatronic animation. This year, he's planning to build a huge drilling machine bursting out of the ground of which the Victorian design is inspired by Jules Verne's 'Journey to the Center of the Earth'.

"Check it"...

(artist rendering)

...but to build it, he needs OUR help!

Peter needs to raise his goal of $2,200 to complete this project and he's asking for contributions through a fundraising program online called: Kickstarter

If you've ever seen one of Peter's fantastic displays and thought "I wish I could do something like that." Well, here's your chance! Think about it, this year you could actually say, "I helped him build that thing!" and mean it because, honestly, he can't do it without you.

To help Peter make it happen and make Halloween special for so many people, CLICK HERE to make a donation.

We Thank You in advance for your support!


  1. I created a post on my blog to try and help get some donations.


  2. Thanks, CB!

    It looks like he's up to $1,300! (Up from $200 when he posted this just a week ago.)

    BTW-You have a cool Halloween blog. I also like your links-they look fun!


  3. I've been a fan of your blog for a few years. I'm glad to see you're posting again.
    I wish I could donate something, but as I'm saving up for moving and don't have a regular job, it would be a great hardship, but I will re-post it and try to spread the word.

  4. Hi Jason,
    It's good to hear from you!

    I originally created this blog to be just about Halloween and/or Haunted Mansion related stuff. Which is why I usually wouldn't post stuff until around the Halloween time. Then I started making my own animated film and wanted to post stuff online but didn't want to keep track of two blogs so I decide to post it on this one.

    I have a whole list of stuff I want to post so stay tuned!

    Thanks for offering to spread the word on Peter's Halloween project. That's still a strong show of support! As of 10/1/10, with just 12 days to go, he's got $1,699 of his $2,200 goal! I hope he makes it.

